Opening hours and prices

Opening hours

The skilift Riepen is open daily from 20.12.2024 to 09.03.2025.


The opening hours of the skilift are from 9 a.m. in the morning to 4.20 p.m. in the afternoon.



We look forward to welcoming you on the slopes!






2 hours
10 rides
1/2 day
1 day
3 days
6 days
Season ski pass
1 ride
22,00 €
13,00 €
17,00 €
26,00 €
26,00 €
26,00 €
29,50 €
17,00 €
21,00 €
35,00 €
21,00 €
25,00 €
103,00 €
58,00 €
68,00 €
184,50 €
104,00 €
123,00 €
230,00 €
130,00 €
158,00 €
3,80 €
3,80 €
3,80 €
20,00 €
9,50 €
14,00 €
23,00 €
23,00 €
23,00 €
22,00 €
13,50 €
15,00 €
29,50 €
17,00 €
21,00 €
84,50 €
46,00 €
58,00 €
154,00 €
86,00 €
104,00 €
230,00 €
130,00 €
158,00 €
3,80 €
3,80 €
3,80 €

With the Guest Pass Antholzertal you receive a € 2.00 discount on the day ticket!

The ski passes Kronplatz and Dolomiti Superski are also valid.
IMPORTANT: In Italy helmets are compulsory for minors under the age of 18!

Ski insurance

According to decree no. 40 of February 28, 2021, from January 1, 2022, every user of the ski areas must be in possession of liability insurance for damages to third parties. If you do not have this insurance, you can take it out online, even for individual days.

The “Snowcare” insurance can be purchased online for €3 per day.